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Quarry Hills Regional Parkland

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The bunjil nganga – Quarry Hills Parkland preserves the imprint of geological events occuring around 400 million years ago. Today visitors can take to one of the walking tracks and look out for birds of prey, bush birds, small marsupials, shiny skinks and kangaroos.

Known as bunjil nganga cultural landscape by the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people, Quarry Hills Parkland is the site of the proposed 1,100 hectare regional open space. 

Quarry Hills is the largest parkland in the City of Whittlesea, and home to exciting new community spaces such as the Granite Hills Major Community Park and an Aboriginal Gathering Place, is set to become a rich and inspiring destination for our city following the endorsement of a long-term plan for the area.

Ride your bike on the trails, admire views to the city, mountains and even Port Phillip Bay from the viewing platform, walk the dog, take photos, stroll the easy trails, have a picnic and explore the rocks on Granite Hill.

In 2024, work commenced on connecting trails in the park to enhance the visitor experience. Remember to ‘take only memories, leave only footprints’ when you visit our parks.

Gravlier Way, South Morang VIC 3752, Australia
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  • Wallking trails
  • Shelters
  • Natural bushland/grasslands
  • Car parking

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